

地址101 Ma''an Road, Tong''an Centralized Industrial Zone, Xiamen, Fujian

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  • Welcome national enterprises/individuals to visit and guide the exhibition.

    Welcome national enterprises/individuals to visit and guide the exhibition.

    Manufacturing AUTOMATIC SCREEN PRINTING MACHINE, full rotation/batch relief PRINTING machine, REWINDING machine and all kinds of printing equipment and related ancillary equipment. The intermittent relief press, 6+1, can print six colors at a time, with the last glossy block. The machine pictures are for cu...

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  • Lingtie shipped 5 sets of automatic roll-to-roll screen printing machine, 4 se...

    Lingtie shipped 5 sets of automatic roll-to-roll screen printing machine, 4 se...

    First of all, we would like to thank our customers for their support and trust. We have 5 sets of automatic roll-to-roll screen printing machines and 4 sets of professional preshrink ovens. In order to arrange the goods and avoid the damage of the goods in the process of transportation, all colleagues of Li...

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Business consulting


Address: Xiamen city in fujian province deep concentrated industrial zone horse An road 101

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